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early sign and symptoms of pregnancy


Some of the symptoms of implantation bleeding include:

Bleeding pink, red or brown

Bleeding with pain in which the pain may be mild, moderate or severe. Studies show that 28% of women experience spotting and low bleeding with pain.
Bleeding probably lasts less than three days and does not require treatment; But women should refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol or taking illicit drugs during heavy bleeding.
Spotting in early pregnancy can also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy , so women with heavy bleeding should consult a doctor.

Loss of menstrual periods

 After the embryo is fully implanted, the female body begins to secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is effective in maintaining pregnancy and prevents the spread of mature eggs in the ovary. In this case, women are more likely to miss their period four weeks after pregnancy . They can have a pregnancy test at this time to make sure they are pregnant. Most home tests can detect hCG eight days after a missed period. A pregnancy test is able to detect the level of hCG in the urine, which can determine whether you are pregnant or not. Women are advised to see a doctor or midwife if the test is positive and to consult with them about their condition if they are taking certain medications.

Rising body temperature in early pregnancy

Rising body temperature can also be a sign of pregnancy. In addition, the main body temperature of pregnant women may increase during exercise or in hot weather . During this time, women should drink more water and exercise caution in exercise and physical activity.

Fatigue in early pregnancy symptoms

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Fatigue can occur at any time during pregnancy ; But it is common in early pregnancy and is one of the first signs of pregnancy that can even begin within the first two weeks of pregnancy. Fatigue can be caused by the body trying to prepare for the growth and protection of the baby. In addition, elevated progesterone levels early in pregnancy can lead to drowsiness in women. Accordingly, women should try to get enough sleep in the first weeks of pregnancy. Keeping the bedroom cool can improve the quality of sleep.

 Increased heart rate in early pregnancy

About 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the mother's heart may pump faster and harder. Irregular heartbeat and heartbeat are common in pregnancy and are usually more likely to be due to hormonal changes. With the formation of the fetus, in the later stages of pregnancy, the mother's blood flow increases. Pregnant women should start their pre-pregnancy management at this time and consult their doctor if they have an underlying heart problem.

Excessive salivation in early pregnancy

Excessive saliva, medically called palliative care, is another condition that results from early hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Headache in early pregnancy

Many women experience headaches during their menstrual period due to an increase in estrogen. These people may also experience headaches during pregnancy along with increased estrogen levels .

Premature change in the breast

Another very common symptom during pregnancy is a change in the breasts of pregnant women. For some women, their breasts grow to the full size of a cup in the first six weeks. Breast changes may occur between 4 and 6 weeks of pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes, the woman will probably have tender breasts (heavier and softer than normal) and swollen. Of course, these symptoms may go away on their own after a few weeks. Breast changes can also occur around the 11th week of pregnancy.

Hormones continue to cause breast growth in pregnant women. Pregnancy hormones increase the body's production of melanin, which causes the nipples and surrounding areas to become darker in color and larger. Women who have had pimples and acne on their face before pregnancy may have a recurrence during pregnancy. Accordingly, it is better for pregnant women to buy a comfortable bra to relieve their breast allergies. Cotton-free bras are usually more suitable for pregnancy. The bra should be designed to create more room for "growth" in the coming months.

Hair loss as pregnancy symptoms

Some women suffer from hair loss in the early stages of pregnancy. Hair loss in early pregnancy is not very common and probably occurs due to nutrient deficiencies that may resolve after hormone regulation.

Mood swings in early pregnancy

Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy can affect the mood of pregnant women and make them more emotional or reactive. Mood swings are common during pregnancy and can cause depression, irritability, anxiety and euphoria.

Frequent urination and incontinence in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the amount of blood pumped in the body increases and causes the kidneys to work harder, so women during pregnancy have more frequent urination in early pregnancy. Hormones also play an important role in bladder health, and hormonal changes can lead to urinary incontinence .

Bleeding gums in early pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, especially progesterone, can lead to increased blood flow to the gums, increased sensitivity and even easier bleeding.  Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease that is associated with a risk of preterm birth , so pregnant women should always see their doctor if symptoms persist.

Increased vaginal discharge

Women's bodies during pregnancy may secrete white vaginal secretions similar to cheese to prevent women from getting harmful infections and harming the baby.

Change in facial skin color

A strange symptom that some women experience during pregnancy is changes in facial skin color. These changes are medically known as melasma , clomasma, or "pregnancy mask" and are caused by a temporary increase in pigmentation.

Flatulence and constipation in early pregnancy

Similar to the symptoms of menstruation, bloating occurs early in pregnancy due to hormonal changes and even leads to constipation . Constipation can also increase the feeling of bloating.

 Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy

Nausea and morning sickness usually occur around the first 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Although it is called morning sickness, it can occur at any time of the day or night. It is not known exactly what causes morning sickness and morning sickness, but hormones may play a role. During the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience mild to severe morning sickness; But these symptoms become more severe at the end of the first trimester and become more severe as you enter the second trimester.

Pregnant women can put a pack of salt crackers next to their bed to relieve their symptoms and eat some of it in the morning when they wake up. This can be effective in relieving morning sickness. In addition, women should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

 High blood pressure and dizziness in early pregnancy

In most cases, blood pressure drops in the early stages of pregnancy and may even cause dizziness in pregnant women; But controlling high blood pressure as a result of pregnancy is difficult. In almost all cases, high blood pressure in the first 20 weeks indicates underlying problems. Pregnant women should monitor their blood pressure regularly and talk to their doctor about diet to lower their blood pressure to prevent complications from high blood pressure during pregnancy. Drinking enough water and a good snack can help prevent dizziness during pregnancy.

Olfactory sensitivity in early pregnancy

Olfactory sensitivity is a common symptom of premature pregnancy that leads to nausea and vomiting.

Weight gain in early pregnancy

Weight gain is common until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, and in later stages, pregnancy weight often spreads between the following areas:

Increased volume of blood and fluids

Heartburn in early pregnancy signs

Hormones can cause the valve between the stomach and esophagus to relax, leak stomach acid, and eventually cause heartburn. Eating several small meals a day instead of larger meals can prevent heartburn during pregnancy. Accordingly, pregnant women should consult their doctor about the occurrence of their symptoms so that they can prevent possible complications on themselves and even the fetus.

Acne during pregnancy

A combination of increased blood volume and hormone levels during pregnancy increases blood flow to the arteries and fat in the body. This increase in the activity of sebaceous glands in the body causes shiny skin in pregnant women and they may even develop acne .

Reduction of symptoms in the second trimester of pregnancy

Many of the body changes and pregnancy symptoms that occur in pregnant women in the first trimester go away after the second trimester; But women should consult their doctor about any possible symptoms to relieve their symptoms.

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