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How to learn the multiplication table

Learning multiplication tables is one of the first important math lessons for elementary school students, and while they are simple, the truth is, it may cost a little at first. Let's now see, with a very simple method, how to learn the multiplication table.     

Multiplication tables

Multiplication tables are important in mathematics. Thanks to multiplication, we can solve all kinds of mathematical problems and formulas, so that together with addition, subtraction and division, they are the basis of mathematical operations . Learning to multiply means that we have to learn the well-known multiplication tables, tables in which we see how each number from 1 to 10 is multiplied by consecutive numbers from 1 to 10. Usually in school they are simply memorized by heart, or take the so-called "Pythagorean Table ", In which we can learn to multiply by the pattern, in which the first row and the first column have numbers that need to be multiplied, and the rest are the result of their products, that is, their multiplication.       

We can, as we say, memorize tables or multiplication tables, but if we do not understand what it consists of, it will be difficult to remember something, so if you want to easily learn the multiplication tables, follow these steps. If a child cannot master the multiplication table even according to our recommendations and you need to do your homework, help on the Internet is waiting for your call

Steps to learn the multiplication table

If you follow these steps, you will surely tell the multiplication tables in minutes:

Order doesn't matter

When we multiply two numbers, it doesn't matter which is the first or the second, the answer is always the same. This is called the commutative property.  

  • Example : 3 × 5 = 15 and 5 × 3 = 15. 
  • Another example : 2x9 = 18 and 9x2 = 18. 

Therefore, while not memorable "3 × 5" and "3 × 5", just remember that the "3 x 5 equals 15", when multiplied, and thus you will see that all the way around.

Explore the tables "in parts"

It is very difficult to memorize tables in one day. Do not try to do this, because it will cost you dearly: 

  1. Start with a simple learning tables : 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10. 
  2. For the rest of the tables, start only halfway through, and when you get to know them well, learn the rest of the table. 

Examine each table according to the drawing it draws

This pattern is useful for understanding tables. For example: 

  • 2 × just double the number. Then it will be the same as adding a number to itself: 2 × 2 = 4, 2 × 3 = 6, 2 × 4 = 8, etc. So, the pattern is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 (And once you remember that, will you also recognize 3x2, 4x2, 5x2, etc.?)    
  • 5 × has a pattern: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. That is, it ends with 0 or 5 .      
  • 9 × also has a pattern: 9 , 1 8 , 2 7 , 3 6 , 4 5 , 5 4 , 6 3 , 7 2 , 8 1 , 9 0. Did you notice?                    

Multiplication tables and their relationship with addition

Finally, you should know this, when you are multiplying, you are actually adding the number to be multiplied by itself, as many times as the number by which you are multiplying. If you then master addition, you will master multiplication.   

  • For example: when you multiply 4 × 4, you add 4 times 4, so 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16, which is the same as 4 × 4 = 16. 

It may happen that for the lowest tables, from 1 to 5, this addition will work for you, but also practice with the rest of the tables so that you not only learn the multiplication tables, but you can also practice addition and speed in calculations. You will see how much of this will ultimately be most useful.      

We have posted this material only so that people can solve problems with mathematics. But it so happens that a person is not interested in solving mathematical problems, but he does not want to get a bad grade. Then we recommend using help with my essay​​​​​​​ so that experts can demonstrate how to solve a particular math problem.



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